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January Avista Core Value

Posted on
January 2, 2024

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A very Happy New Year to you all. We have a new core value to focus on and celebrate for the month of January 2024.  The core value of Respect

Respect is fundamental to all that we do at Avista. It defines how we relate to and communicate with one another, and it is at the core of how we work.

In this month’s edition of the Core Values Monthly, you can discover what respect means to us and read stories of how we celebrated last month’s core value of creativity. To read December’s Core Values Newsletter Click Here

 For an Easy Read Version Click Here

All supported individuals are invited to join the E-Hub session on Tuesday 16th of January at 11am, where we will share stories, songs, poems and photos of respect in action.  To join the session Click Here

A huge thank you to all of the contributors to this month’s newsletter.

If you would like to contribute to the next edition of the core values monthly, please get in touch. Eve would be delighted to hear from you. [email protected]

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