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Easy to Read Referendum Information Booklet

Posted on
February 7, 2024

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Easy to Read Referendum Information Booklet

On Friday 8th March 2024 there will be 2 (two) referendums.
A referendum is when Irish Citizens are asked to vote about changes to the Constitution.

Our Constitution can only be changed by Irish Citizens in a referendum.

You have 2 (two) separate votes.
1.  Do you think that our Constitution should be changed so that it talks about, not only the family based on marriage but also the family based on other lasting relationships?

2.  Do you think that how our Constitution talks about the life of women and duties of mothers in the home should be taken out. Instead, it would talk about care by family members to each other?

Your vote is your voice.

Click Here to read an easy read information Booklet on the Referendum


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