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Celebrating People With Intellectual Disabilities – Christ Church Cathedral Dublin – February 18th

Posted on
February 9, 2024

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The Choral Evensong Service to celebrate people with intellectual disabilities will take place on 18th February 2024 at 15:30 in Christchurch Cathedral Dublin.

We warmly invite supported individuals, their families and friends, and staff from the many organisations that support people with intellectual disabilities to attend.

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin as part of the Church of Ireland, is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Evensong is a choral service intended to facilitate reflection and is a beautiful space in which to give thanks for the contributions made by people with intellectual disabilities to the Church, their communities and society more generally.

The Cathedral is fully wheelchair accessible and has ample space for people who may require a break during the service. Everyone is welcome!

We very much look forward to seeing you later this month. In the meantime, we would appreciate any help you may be able to offer in circulating this message.

If you know of people who may wish to attend, please feel free to forward this email or use the attached fliers on your social media to spread the word.

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