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Ice Skating For All

Posted on
January 11, 2024

Latest News

Wow, 60 supported people and staff enjoyed a  wonderful ice skating session in Blanchardstown on Thursday, January 11th. Huge thanks to Dereck and the staff from the ice rink, who were very helpful showing great motivation and enthusiasm while working with everyone.

Carmen Martinez, is delighted to announce that following a chat with Dereck from Dublin Sport and Wellbeing she has secured another session on  WEDNESDAY 24TH OF JANUARY.

If you want to attend the session email Carmen at [email protected]

Details regarding the event

This session is fully funded by Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership so there is not cost involved(€650). However, if you reserve a spot and you can not longer attend, please inform me as soon as possible to ensure someone else currently in the waiting list can benefit from this opportunity.

Transportation will not be provided, so you need to make sure that you plan ahead and arrive to the venue on time : ), no later than 10:40AM

Please  ensure that all participants, staff and supported individuals wear comfortable and warm clothing, the ice rink can be quite cold.

Our session is scheduled for 11AM but we have been advised to be there 20minutes before to get ready, 10:40AM.

Staff will provide assistance to supported individuals in the ice rink as in previous year. Therefore, kindly advise staff to be vigilant, ensuring adherence to safety measures such as maintaining a safe distance and moving at low speed.


Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership Staff might capture videos and photos of the event.

Happy Skating


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